Poses & Modifications
Learn about individual yoga poses and how to modify them in your practice.
There are many ways that you can modify your practice to honor where your body is on any given day. Modifications can change the intensity of your session as well as help you accomplish specific goals, like creating more space and providing for deeper relaxation of the muscles.
L-Pose: downward dog modification
L-Pose is a great way to open up your back and release tension in your hips no matter how (in)flexible you may be. As you […]
Sukhasana: Finding Your Root
My practice for the last 40 days was all about the root chakra, so I thought I would start where I always do: seated centering. […]
Tadasana: A Deeper Look into Posture
“It is essential to master the art of standing correctly.” – B.K.S. Iyengar You may be surprised at how much pain and discomfort can be […]
Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) is a lateral standing pose that opens the hips and strengthens the legs and the spine. Engaging the legs stabilizes the knees […]